2012 Goals Update: It's been a while edition


1. Increase emergency fund to $13,000
We are sitting pretty at  about $11,400. We  should be receiving a reimbursement soon on expenses the Sailor incurred while at school which will bring us really close to our goal for the year.  YAY! So I predict we will knock this goal out of the water by year's end.

2. Save $3,000 for geek-tastic vacation

3. Complete Q and A a day project
This one is becoming a fail, I went a whole month not answering questions but I am back on track now and have answered my missed questions as well as I possibly could. 

4. Save $4,000 in Roth IRA
We are at over $1700 contributed, so we are a bit behind to reach our goal for the year, but I have confidence that we will get this on track. 

5. Run 5 miles a week
Okay, so this is probably not going to work out for me considering I have given myself a stress fracture and am currently limping around in a walking boot! I should be fine soon, but I am definitely off track with my running schedule, but I plan to run again once it is all healed.

6. Watch ten classic films
I still only have watched 2 classic films this year. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and One Flew Ovr the Cuckoo's Nest. 

7. Read 30 books
Ha! I haven't had time to read. Only at four for the year. Ack! I need to get on this.

8. Make 24 hand written letters to friends and family
This one is still going strong. I have written 12 letters this year to friends and family. 

9. Research and save for an awesome camera
Completed this in January

10. Make one thousand origami cranes
I am behind schedule but I have made close to 500 cranes.

11. Go to a concert
I have been looking around. No action yet in this one.

12. Start a treat yo self fund
I have socked away a whopping $50 for this. I know it's not much but I have to start somewhere.

My goals have taken a hit with life stuff getting in the way. When the Sailor was home, I kind of forgot about most of the goals and with our impending move coming I am a little worried about completing them but I am going to give it my best shot.